Mix It Up
Mix It Up // a variety of inspiring daily workshops
Individual, sequential or repeating workshops that provide opportunities to up-skill and broaden your thinking.
Also available to those registered for Retreat Mode PM. Choose one per day.
See what stands out to you…!

Max & min numbers apply, make sure you indicate a second choice of afternoon elective when registering in case your first choice is unavailable.


Playing with Mixed Media
Respond to the beautiful natural environment surrounding Poatina through mixed media on paper. With a mixture of found materials, printmaking, drawing and painting, create an artwork through play and experimentation presented in an accordion book. This session will up-skill you in a wide variety of techniques and grow your confidence in art-making.
Suitable for everyone, no matter your skill level and experience. Just arrive ready to play!
All necessary art materials
This Mix It Up is 2 hours long

Hannah Cutter is a visual artist and teacher based in Melbourne. Inspired by both the places she visits and her home, Hannah loves working with watercolours and other media on paper.
Hannah holds a Bachelor of Visual Arts and Design and a Masters of Teaching (Primary and Secondary) with a double major in visual arts. She currently works as a Secondary Art teacher and has run many workshops for both children and adults. Hannah has also been involved with a number of murals and community arts projects in Australia and overseas.

Cartooning with Ben
Cartoons! Fun, Bold, Crazy & Life Giving.
Ben will show you how to create your own original character, from scratch. Don’t know how to draw? That’s ok, Ben will walk you through the basics.
Learn some cartooning skills & have fun while doing it. It’s all about having fun.
All necessary materials.
Any preferred materials you like to use when drawing

Ben has been drawing since childhood and hasn’t stopped. He loves cartoons, portraits & prophetic art. Ben has taught workshops in schools, youth groups & libraries across the North of Tassie, for both adults and children.
Ben has been a Christian for 20 years and lives in Launceston where he attends ISee church. He works as a School Chaplain and loves to invest in the next generation. Whether drawing prophetically or a portrait or cartoon, Ben draws to bring God’s colour and kingdom to those around him.

En Plein Air
Embark with other practising visual artists on an expedition into the bush. Life as an artist is often a solitary one, so take the opportunity to create with company, respond to the natural environment, share process and practices with fellow artists.
Bring your own materials and sketchbook, we’ll choose a location together depending on the weather.
This Elective is for experienced visual artists.
Your own materials and sketchbook.
Anything else you'd like to use.
NOTE: This advanced Mix It Up is available to participants who have experience as visual artists.

Hannah Cutter is a visual artist and teacher based in Melbourne. Inspired by both the places she visits and her home, Hannah loves working with watercolours and other media on paper.

Can-u Haiku?
Can you imagine a world with fewer words? How easy is it to construct three short phrases that carry meaning and flair? What seems simple may be difficult.
Join Suzanne as she makes the difficult simple! Come along and enjoy this opportunity to craft poems. Have a go at expressing life’s simplest and most complex thoughts and issues in this unique form.
Count your syllables, rephrase and economise… hunt for just the right group of words… where’s that thesaurus?
Have fun together
Hone your skills as a wordsmith
Is this a haiku?
YOU CAN BRING your FATA journal and something to write with.

Suzanne McKane is a creative person with many different expressions and outlets. Trained as a scientist and as a counsellor, she is always exploring knowledge and up-skilling. Suzanne is equally at home in academia, weaving, water-colouring and zooming with grandchildren.
Suzanne’s deep faith and care of people have shaped her career, family and life together with husband Russell. She lives in community, practises counselling in Launceston and recently studied a Diploma of Creative Arts and Health at UTas.
Suzanne volunteers on the FATA Organising Team and has for many years helped pull logistics together to help make FATA what it is.

Embracing Your Next Chapter
What better time than at the start of a new year to consider where we are at, where we have come from, and where to from here.
John has created a question series to help people do some strengths assessment and intention setting, or if you'd prefer, "a gentle reconnaissance of the inner landscape". This takes the form of a fun, safe, and thought-provoking writing activity without any pressure to share what's written - it's just between you and the page. Join us if you'd like to find some words and phrases to hold as 'hope signposts' heading into the year ahead, or even further in your future!
YOU CAN BRING your FATA journal and something to write with.
This session is repeated on various days so you can choose the one that best suits you
This Mix It Up is 2 hours long

John Englezos is a freelance photographer, spoken word poet and Melbourne's 2015 Poetry Slam Champion. His work has been described as “Pixar in poetry” with his first book “If The World Were Upside Down" centring around notions of Hope, Identity, and Wonder.
He was on the first team to represent Australia at the National Poetry Slam Championships in Denver, Colorado USA in 2017.
John has been a presenter, speaker, coach and host for TedX, runs workshops and one-on-one sessions around poetry and performance, is an uncle to five amazing kids and a brother to many.

Eco Printing
From the gathering of natural materials, the smell of the pot simmering, to the unwrapping and surprising results, printing fabric using plants and other found objects can be an inspired collaboration journey with the Creator. So much fun and delight!
We will be using natural dyeing techniques to print on either wool or silk fabric. Anita will share from her many years of experience and experimentation to help you explore your own vision for what you might be able to create.
A silk or wool scarf
All the equipment needed for dyeing
An item of your own clothing to print. Once you've registered Anita will be in touch to check that it will be an appropriate type of fabric and size.

Anita Dougall loves to explore creativity in the everyday, as well as art-forms that connect her to her relationship with God, place and people, especially creation.
She loves to create using many different mediums, eco printing and dyeing being her favourites. Her artwork explores themes of regeneration after scarring or destruction, involving landscape.
Anita has been a finalist in the Bay of Fires Art Prize and her work can also be found at Kapi Art Space in the Dandenong Ranges, Vic.

Embracing Your Next Chapter
What better time than at the start of a new year to consider where we are at, where we have come from, and where to from here.
John has created a question series to help people do some strengths assessment and intention setting, or if you'd prefer, "a gentle reconnaissance of the inner landscape". This takes the form of a fun, safe, and thought-provoking writing activity without any pressure to share what's written - it's just between you and the page. Join us if you'd like to find some words and phrases to hold as 'hope signposts' heading into the year ahead, or even further in your future!
YOU CAN BRING your FATA journal and something to write with.
This session is repeated on various days so you can choose the one that best suits you
This Mix It Up is 2 hours long

John Englezos is a freelance photographer, spoken word poet and Melbourne's 2015 Poetry Slam Champion. His work has been described as “Pixar in poetry” with his first book “If The World Were Upside Down" centring around notions of Hope, Identity, and Wonder.
He was on the first team to represent Australia at the National Poetry Slam Championships in Denver, Colorado USA in 2017.
John has been a presenter, speaker, coach and host for TedX, runs workshops and one-on-one sessions around poetry and performance, is an uncle to five amazing kids and a brother to many.

Prophetic Drawing
Come along and learn how to use your drawing as a way of prophesying! We’ll go through the basics of reading scripture, focusing on God, hearing his voice and then delivering what we hear through a visual medium. This is a fun, engaging & creative workshop. It requires no skill, just a willingness to step out and share what you come up with.
Ben is a very understanding and supportive teacher, so feel free to come along and have a new experience if this sounds like something out of the ordinary for you.
All necessary materials.
Any preferred materials you like to use when drawing

Ben has been drawing since childhood and hasn’t stopped. He loves cartoons, portraits & prophetic art. Ben has taught workshops in schools, youth groups & libraries across the North of Tassie, for both adults and children.
Ben has been a Christian for 20 years and lives in Launceston where he attends ISee church. He works as a School Chaplain and loves to invest in the next generation. Whether drawing prophetically or a portrait or cartoon, Ben draws to bring God’s colour and kingdom to those around him.