
Steve Cooper loves being creative in music, other art-forms, humour, cooking, relationships and life decisions.
He has played gigs, created collaborative performance art, taught instruments and classroom Music and facilitated workshops for many years.
Steve loves creating short prayer songs at weekly Prayer on the Hill reflection times. This year Steve has been on a journey composing songs weekly alongside mates in a SongClub, which has been a great catalyst for creative output.
Steve creates and performs with his wife Hannah as RockSalt Arts. They are currently developing MuttonBirds, exploring Aunty Patsy Cameron's childhood interest in the incredible migration pattern of these courageous birds.
He has spent much of his adult life in ministry - in churches, arts networks and conferences, including Poatina Arts and the Poatina community.

Music - Compose Yourself!
So many musical ideas pop into our heads! Join Steve and learn to grab an idea, match it with another and keep adding til there's a song.
We'll compose together and individually, using the Studio On The Spur to capture any finished products we may develop.
Bring your awesome brain, your voice, any level of experience and any instrument/s you love to play.
Be ready to be inspired - by God and by others - as we use music to explore the FATA theme.
Max & min numbers apply, make sure you indicate a second choice of afternoon elective when registering in case your first choice is unavailable.